Annotations for "Introduction to Frohock"

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August 4, Afternoon Part One 1:44 Professor Frohock has been a professor of French at Columbia University for some time. He is an authority on modern fiction. He's published a book about a certain group of American novels. The book's entitled, I believe-- I know the book well. I own the book. It's Novel of Violence in America. Is this correct?
Carvel Collins
August 4, Afternoon Part One 2:08 And he has also written a volume about Malraux, and is to speak to us today about some of the problems of literary criticism and the novel. Are critical systems and devices suitable for fiction in its contemporary form? Professor Frohock.
Carvel Collins
August 4, Afternoon Part One 1:44 - 2:34 Introduction to W.M. Frohock
August 4, Afternoon Part One 2:34 APPLAUSE