Annotations for "August 3 Panel Discussion"

Item Time Annotation Layer
August 3, Evening Part Two 1:01:04 LAUGHTER
August 3, Evening Part Two 57:09 Thank you, Mr. West. The program, I think, for the rest of the evening should be that first of all, we give the speakers a chance to speak to Mr. West's points. And then, people here on the panel discuss everyone-- discuss anything he wants to. And then we will have questions from the audience if there is time.
Carvel Collins
August 3, Evening Part Two 57:31 Should this evening-- the panel take up most of the time AND there not be an opportunity for many questions from the audience, I think you might save them up. The WHOLE program has a certain unity, at least of subject, and on Wednesday evening, there will perhaps be more time for questions from the audience. And some of your questions that you might want to raise this evening may be answered a little later this evening or tomorrow.
Carvel Collins
August 3, Evening Part Two 58:02 I'd like first of all to ask Mr. Hyman to use-- just let's all stay right here at the table-- to use that microphone, which I assume is alive, and speak to Mr. West's points.
Carvel Collins
August 3, Evening Part Two 1:00:25 All right, Mr. O'Connor?
Carvel Collins
August 3, Evening Part Two 1:00:28 Mr. O'Connor, would you move the--
Carvel Collins
August 3, Evening Part Two 58:27 I don't have much to say to Mr. West's points, IN that I think he summarized and commented on what I had to say fairly, with perhaps one small reservation-- that his feeling that I had somehow underrated EM Forster by saying that his work dealt with the vocabulary of bad taste rather than the vocabulary of sin, in writers like Graham Greene, I think is unwarranted.
Stanley Hyman
August 3, Evening Part Two 59:00 I was suggesting, and would argue, I think, that these are both major traditions in the serious and worthwhile novel. And if Graham Greene, and those like him, sees things in terms of sin, and Forster does not, I surely wouldn't submit that as a weakness in Forster. I would also note in that account that when I said that Foster's picture of the human heart was no darker than a well-kept front parlor, that of course, a well-kept front parlor is very dark.
Stanley Hyman
August 3, Evening Part Two 59:50 Other than that, I suppose the big issue is Kafka, which I think is too much to bring up as a discussion now. And all you can fairly say is that Mr. West apparently doesn't share my feelings for Kafka. I refuse to give them up for that reason, and will, left with what I imagine all of you are exercised with, too, which is simply a difference in taste and opinion. And that's all.
Stanley Hyman